25 Golden Rules of Long Distance Running

These rules come from this Runner’s World article. It’s clear the target audience is the total novice runner.

This list should be only 8-10 rules, as many of the “rules” are filler and common sense.

I highlighted in bold what I think are the useful “rules” on this list to keep in mind — all the rest are either half truths, silly, or common sense.

  1. The most effective training mimics the event for which you’re training.

  2. Increase weekly training mileage by no more than 10% per week.

  3. Wait for about two hours after a meal before running.

  4. Start every run with 10 minutes of walking and slow running, and do the same to cool down.

  5. If something hurts for two straight days while running, take two (or more) days off.

  6. Don’t eat or drink anything new before or during a race or hard workout.

  7. For each mile that you race, allow one day of recovery before returning to hard training or racing.

  8. A headwind always slows you down more than a tailwind speeds you up.

  9. You should be able to talk in complete sentences while running.

  10. Build up to and run at least one 20-miler before a marathon.

  11. For a few days before a long race, emphasize carbohydrates in your diet.

  12. Runners improve for about seven years.

  13. To be safe, run facing traffic.

  14. Running uphill slows you down more than running downhill speeds you up.

  15. Sleep one extra minute per night for each mile per week that you train.

  16. Consume a combination carbohydrate-protein food or beverage within 30 to 60 minutes after any race, speed workout, or long run.

  17. Runners who only run are prone to injury.

  18. The best way to race to a personal best is to maintain an even pace from start to finish.

  19. Replace running shoes once they’ve covered 400 to 500 miles.

  20. Take at least one easy day after every hard day of training.

  21. Dress for runs as if it’s 10 degrees warmer than the thermometer actually reads.

  22. The most effective pace for VO2 max interval training is about 20 seconds faster per mile than your 5K race pace.

  23. Lactate-threshold or tempo-run pace is about the pace you can maintain when running all-out for one hour.

  24. Do your longest training runs at least three minutes per mile slower than your 5K race pace.

  25. The longer the race, the slower your pace.