Training Principles

Super Running takes a Process, Practice, Science based approach to training to ensure athletes achieve their running goals.

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  • Goals. Plan. Do. Review. Repeat.

  • Each Person is an Individual.

  • Make it Fun — Because it is.

Process guides behaviors, habits, and values. It is how things are done.

Goals. Plan. Do. Review. Repeat.

The Super Running training process is guided by thorough planning, informed action, and constant feedback. Clarity is power. When we know where we’re going (goals), how we’re getting there (plan), with what action we need to take and when (do), we can better assess our progress, making refinements to stay on track (review) and achieve our aims.

Each Person is an Individual.

Every person is unique and has different needs. Super Running understands there is no such thing as one size fits all training programs. Cookie cutter training programs don’t work — custom designed programs do. We work with each runner as is, creating custom tailored soultions to help each individual achieve their goals.

Make it Fun — Because it is.

Never forget, running is fun!

Enjoyment drives success. And we define success as progress towards a worthwhile goal. Running can be hard. Training difficult. Weather disagreeable. It’s easy to focus on the negatives, but it’s more worthwhile it to celebrate the positives. Super Running strives to help runners make the most of their running experience and find the fun in the daily run. By sharing and celebrating wins, both small and large, we acknowledge progress being made, sustaining excitement and joy for every step in our journey.


  • Work/Recovery Relationship.

  • Knowledge, Evidence & Experience.

  • Above All, Consistency.

Practice is what produces results. It’s what matters most to achieving success.

Work/Recovery Relationship.

Super Training needs Super Recovery to be effective. Training is a stress and breaks down the body. The intensity and duration of work influences the magnitude of stress a person experiences. After exposure to stress our body needs rest to repair. Adaptation occurs after training, not during. Effective training practices consider both how much work and rest is need to determine the most effective stimulus and ensuring recovery period that will result in the desired training adaption. Appreciating this fundamental relationship between Work/Recovery is what makes the Super Running approach successful.

Knowledge, Evidence & Experience.

Knowledge is expands awareness. Evidence provides legitimacy. And experience combines knowledge and evidence to enhance decision making effectiveness. Super Coaching happens when knowledge, evidence and experience intersect. This is a force multiplier. The Super Running approach is rooted in applying knowledge, legitimized by modern evidence (both experimental and anecdotal) and guided by decision making of well-trained and experienced coaches.

Above All, Consistency.

Development takes time. The stimulus-effect relationship of training for running is a slow process. Breakdown happens quickly, but adaptation does not. Different biological changes have different time horizons. In order to reap the full benefits of training it is vital that no prolonged interruptions occur. Illness, injury and personal upheaval are the most common culprits which results in training interruptions. At Super Running, we aim to minimize the occurrence of setbacks through effective training and recovery practices. However, unexpected hiccups can never be avoided 100% . Should adversity strike, expect a quick response and informed revisions to your plan to help steer you back towards full health and return to training full steam.


  • Train Biomotor Qualities.

  • Develop Energy Pathways.

  • Movement Matters.

Science explains the “why” of training. It instills confidence in the selected activities and overall direction of training by informing us what results to expect, why and by when. The scientific fields of biology, physiology & anatomy, and physics each hold large influence in running science. Enhanced running ability is anchored in biomotor, bioenergetic and biomechaincal improvements. Successful training design stems from an understanding of how key contributions from each of these field impacts running specific adaptations and will lead to better performance ability.

Train Biomotor Qualities. (biomotor)

General athletic ability is governed by individual developments in the five biomotor qualities of Speed, Strength, Stamina, Suppleness, and Coordination. Development of specific athletic ability is governed by a training blend of the five biomotor skills, but with a strong emphasis on the primary qualities of the chosen activity. In running the primary biomotor qualities are, in order of import, Stamina and Speed. The supportive qualities are Coordination, Strength, and Suppleness. Super Running training blends development of all biomotor qualities, but heavily emphasis Stamina and Speed.

Develop Energy Pathways. (bioenergy)

In endurance sports, like running, oxidative metabolism is the the dominate energy pathway. There are two types of aerobic pathways: glycogen oxidation and fat oxidation. Running faster, longer and stronger is heavily influenced by development of the efficiency and capacity of the aerobic energy pathways. Training geared towards upgrading oxidative metabolism is the bedrock of Super Running approach. The anaerobic pathways fuels high power, short duration running activity like sprints, accelerations, or a finishing kick. Development of anaerobic pathways has its place in a runner’s training. The degree to which it is enhanced is determined by a runner’s primary event overall energy demands.

Movement Matters. (biomechanics)

How we move when we run directly impacts running performance. Human’s anatomical design reflects the heavy influence running played in our species evolution. But running results in very high mechanical loads on the body. Unlocking optimal running specific joint angles, limb ranges of motions, and posture to minimize mechanical stress is a potential performance amplifier for every runner. Super Running integrates movement education and coaching into a runner’s training from Day 1. Our approach is not to throw a laundry list of corrective or form drills at you. That doesn’t work. Instead we apply a technique which includes video analysis, personalized cuing, and continuous feedback to drive awareness, sustain practice and effect lasting positive change in your movement quality — and ultimately running performance.