The 3 Requirements for a Successful Supercompensation Process

An expert from the book The Science of Winning:

Requirements for a Successful Super-Compensation Process:

  1. A healthy body: inflammation, overtraining, mental stress, etc. strongly reduce the possibility for super-compensation

  2. Adequate training intensity and volume: This is probably the most delicate, even crucial aspect of successful training. Indeed, the training must be just long enough (volume) and just hard enough (intensity) to stimulate the body in such a way as to induce morphological (structural) and functional adaptations. When training is too hard and/or too long, it will break down the body too much and will actually impede the process of super-compensation. So, the real art is always adjusting intensity and volume to meet the purpose of the training as well as the conditioning and mental state of the athlete.

  3. Enough rest (passive or active rest): rest or regenerative workouts will make up most of an athlete’s training time. Insufficient rest or insufficient low-intensity training (regeneration training) between important training sessions prevents the body from achieving super-compensation This brings us to one of the most important and overriding principles in training: Rest of generation is the most essential part of training for inducing optimal biological adaptions.

Source: The Science of Winning: Planning, Periodizing and Optimizing Swim Training, Olbrecht, Ch. 1.